Door & Gate Refinishing

Door & Gate Painting / Refinishing in Los Angeles

The gates and doors of a house are the first things we experience upon entering a home. They set the stage, then unveil the beauty that is the rest of the house. When rust takes a toll, and wear and tear from use fades the surface and functionality of the gates and doors, we have the ability to not only remove rust and coat with rust-inhibiting applications, but can restore flaking, chipping and peeling paint on wood and metal surfaces. We then use an incredibly durable industrial strength coating to beautify your entryway with a brand new surface that will stand the test of time in all kinds of weather, with an impeccable focus on preserving special details.

Moore & Co. Painting - Los Angeles CA - Fence Gate Painting Paint Spraying, House Painters Near Me, Moore & Co. Painting
Moore & Co. Painting - Los Angeles CA - Fence Gate Painting Paint Spraying, House Painters Near Me, Moore & Co. Painting
Moore & Co. Painting - Los Angeles CA - Fence Gate Painting Paint Spraying
Moore & Co. Painting - Los Angeles CA - Fence Gate Painting Paint Spraying
Moore & Co. Painting - Los Angeles CA - Fence Gate Painting Paint Spraying
Moore & Co. Painting - Los Angeles CA - Fence Gate Painting Paint Spraying
Moore & Co. Painting - Los Angeles CA - Fence Gate Painting Paint Spraying
Moore & Co. Painting - Los Angeles CA - Fence Gate Painting Paint Spraying
Moore & Co. Painting - Los Angeles CA - Fence Gate Painting Paint Spraying
Moore & Co. Painting - Los Angeles CA - Fence Gate Painting Paint Spraying
Moore & Co. Painting - Los Angeles CA - Fence Gate Painting Paint Spraying